3 Infusions That Cleanse And Care For The Colon

How well does your digestion work normally? Do you often suffer from flatulence? Do you feel tired? Have you taken on the last few months without being able to understand why? Sometimes we neglect our gut health and as a consequence, many problem arises which we do not notice at first.
3 infusions that cleanse and care for the colon

Many neglect the part of our intestines called the colon, which also stands for basic functions: hydration, storing waste products synthesizing vitamins. It is indispensable, therefore it is very important that we follow some basic guidelines in our diet, in order to cleanse and at the same time strengthen, these vital organs. Today, in this article, we will give you some simple recipes for infusions to cleanse the colon. In which way? By using medicinal plants which should always be available in your kitchen. Take notes!

Infusions of artichoke and ginger

Infusions of artichoke and ginger are extremely effective in cleansing the colon

This combination may surprise you. However, this medicinal infusion is used not only as an authentic cure, but also to cleanse the colon and intestines, but which can also help you with these aspects at the same time:

  • Artichoke water is incredibly rich in vitamins and minerals,  and is therefore ideal for optimizing the function of the liver and kidneys.
  • Both artichoke water and ginger cleanse waste products, help eliminate fat and in addition, they clean stored waste from the colon.
  • Ginger and artichoke water, will also improve our digestion.
  • This medicinal infusion helps fight so-called bad cholesterol.
  • Above all, ginger will also help reduce inflammation. It is ideal for those days when you have abdominal pain.


  • 2 medium artichokes
  • 1 liter (32 oz) of water
  • 80 g (2.8 oz) ginger root


  • This infusion is very easy to prepare. The first thing you need to do is bring the water to a boil, and as soon as it boils, add the artichokes and the 80 grams of fresh ginger.
  • Cooking can take between 30 to 40 minutes until you can see that the artichokes have become soft and that all their juice and beneficial properties are now in the water.
  • The next step is also super easy: you just need to drain the artichokes so the only thing left is the medicinal water. You can save the artichokes for dinner with a little oil and vinegar. Delicious!
  • You can pour the artichoke water into a glass bottle and store it in a dry place. You should drink a glass on an empty stomach every morning, another after lunch, one in the afternoon, and finally one after dinner. Do this 8 days in a row and then you will discover how much better you feel.

2. Mint and dandelion infusions


Did you know that mint is the best medicinal plant to treat irritable bowel syndrome? For this reason, it is essential that you always have something in the house. Besides being a great ingredient for desserts, it is also perfect to combine with other medicinal plants, such as dandelion. Let us explain why.

  • This medical infusion will help you avoid classic bowel contractions which cause so much pain, to relax the internal walls, reduce cramps and in addition help to avoid constipation and diarrhea.
  • Our digestion will improve.
  • In addition, combining dandelion with mint can also help cleanse the colon and intestines.
  • Another benefit is that it acts as a great anesthetic, it relaxes us, removes headaches and general poor well-being.


  • 20 g (0.7 oz) fresh mint
  • 20 g (0.7 oz) dandelion
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml or 6.7 fl oz)
  • A tablespoon of honey


  • It’s super easy! In this case, you only need to heat the water glass and when it boils,  you can add mint and dandelion and let it stand for at least 15 minutes. Let it sit for 10 minutes and then you can add a tablespoon of honey. This is perfect for ingestion right after lunch.

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