3 Healing Smoothies For Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is very common. We are not sure what the cause is, but sometimes it may have to do with stress, infections or reactions to certain foods. Whatever it is, it is a reality with pronounced symptoms that make your everyday life difficult.
3 healing smoothies for irritable bowel syndrome

What to do if you have irritable bowel syndrome? As always, your doctor should be the one to tell you what steps to take. In the meantime, you can make these  light and healthy  smoothies that will ease your discomfort.

1. Aloe vera and kiwi smoothie for irritable bowel syndrome

Kiwi smoothie

Course of action

  • 1 tbsp. aloe vera gel  (20 g)
  • 1 kiwi
  • A glass of water

There are many benefits to   aloe vera. It is one of the best plants to treat  irritable bowel syndrome  due to its  anti-inflammatory properties. It also reduces the amount of bacteria that can irritate your colon.

On the other hand, when aloe vera  is broken down, it does not develop gases  like other foods. This gives it a moisturizing and healing action for the intestinal walls, which also better allows the formation of other compounds.

When combined with kiwi juice, you will get a  smoothie filled with vitamins, which  is very nice and easy to digest. It’s easy to make: just heat a glass of water and dissolve a tablespoon of aloe vera in it. 

Once dissolved, add the kiwi smoothie. You can add a tablespoon of honey, which will make it much more pleasant. As a final tip, remember to drink these smoothies warm, not cold or very hot. It allows you to digest it better.

Also read: Five artichoke recipes for fatty liver patients

2. Papaya and chamomile mixture

Papaya and chamomile smoothie

Course of action

  • papaya slices
  • 1 chamomile tea bag
  • 1 peppermint tea bag
  • A few drops of lemon juice
  • A tablespoon of honey
  • A glass of water (200 ml)

This is an important smoothie to drink every day when you wake up. It reduces inflammation and relieves pain and the classic bloating. Papaya is one of the  best fruits for digestion, thanks to papain. You will be able to digest it well and it will make you feel much more comfortable.

We should also highlight the many benefits of mint to treat  irritable bowel syndrome.  Its oil contains menthol, something that will allow you to control muscle contractions in the intestines, which will relax them and relieve pain.

So what virtues does chamomile have? It relieves the feeling of bloating; it soothes, relaxes, and regulates the classic constipation or diarrhea experienced when you have irritable bowel syndrome.

Everything you need a  papaya smoothie. First, cook the mint and chamomile in a glass of boiling water. When this is ready, mix papaya and medicinal herbs. Add a little bit of honey and you will see how it makes you relax. It is perfect to drink in the morning.

Also read: Recipe for delicious cinnamon tea with honey

3. Lemon balm, watermelon and pear smoothie

Watermelon and two pears

How to make that smoothie?

  • A slice of watermelon
  • A pear
  • A tea bag with lemon balm
  • A glass of water (200 ml)

Something as simple as  combining fruit with medicinal herbs  will enhance the treatment of  irritable bowel syndrome. You will increase the sedative, anti-inflammatory, and healing effect. Lemon balm is also an excellent relaxing and effective way to prevent cramps or the bowel contractions that cause so much pain.

Pear is on the other hand is one of the medicinal fruits that is worth eating every day. It is rich in vitamins and minerals and also good for the digestive system, and will not cause you any harm. You will tolerate it well and it will benefit you with its natural treasure of  B-vitamin complex.

Adding watermelon to this smoothie is a wise decision. It will supply the body with water, is diuretic and rich in vitamins and minerals. It can also promote  reduction of inflammation in the colon. Make a simple smoothie with both fruits.

Remember to add the lemon balm tea. Mix it with a glass of warm water and let it stand and draw like a tea. When ready, add  watermelon and pear juice. Remember to drink these smoothies warmly again. If they are very hot or cold, your intestines will feel it. We hope this helps you.

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