3 Delicious Slimming Recipes With Artichokes That You Should Try

Artichokes are a great addition to your diet. They are high in fiber and help the body better digest and synthesize fat.
3 delicious slimming recipes with artichokes that you must try

Everyone knows how hard it can be to lose weight, even when you really want to. Are you doomed to starve yourself? Not at all. All you need to do is eat a little healthier and change your daily habits. You can even eat food you really love! Artichoke is one of the delicious vegetables you can eat with a clear conscience. Here are three super delicious slimming recipes with artichokes that you can incorporate into your diet.

If you want a lasting weight loss, you should try to include artichokes in your diet.

We are not exaggerating when we claim that artichokes are one of the best medicinal plants for both health and beauty. It is a true detox vegetable, which increases your metabolism, cleanses your body and has diuretic properties. It is often said that it burns fat, but this is not quite the case.

What artichokes actually do is that they promote the digestion of fats – the fat is not removed, but is better synthesized by the body, and thus comes out of the system faster. Although artichokes contain many important minerals and vitamins such as phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium and vitamin B, they do not have everything the body needs. Therefore, you can not just eat artichokes.

Instead, artichokes are an ideal addition to your diet. When you reduce the fat and sugar intake in your diet, artichokes will definitely help you better digest your food and avoid fluid retention thanks to worse cynarin, which also stimulates bile production. Eating artichoke is healthy and we recommend it to you who want to shed those annoying extra pounds.

Do you want to learn 3 ways to prepare artichokes and at the same time lose weight? Super!

  • 1 boiled artichoke
  • 2 slices of pineapple
  • 4 almonds
  • the juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 1 cup of the water used to boil the artichoke

This recipe is simple and may come a little behind you, but we promise it is delicious, healthy and effective for weight loss. Pineapple is good for detoxifying the body and helps you burn fat, and by combining it with lemon juice and artichokes, it will enhance its effect.

Almonds contain magnesium, which gives you energy and is good for your bones and muscles. Mix this healthy smoothie to help you start your day in the best possible way. First, cook the artichokes. When soft in the middle, remove the artichokes and save the water.

Now add the artichoke, pineapple and almonds to the blender and blend until you have a soft consistency. Add the lemon juice and the water from the artichoke, and continue blending until you achieve a uniform and delicious drink. It is best to drink in the morning.

artichoke shake
  • 2 artichokes
  • 1/2 liter of water
  • Juice from a 1/2 lemon

This is the best known way to lose weight with artichokes: through the water you have used to boil them. As you can probably guess, it’s easy to make, and you may have already tried it a few times before. Boil your artichokes in the water until soft. Drink the artichoke water during the day and eat the artichokes for dinner along with a little olive oil or apple cider vinegar. Artichoke tastes tremendously good with salt and olive oil.

Mix the water from the artichokes with lemon juice and drink a cup about half an hour before each meal. According to a study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, drinking at least half a liter of cold water a day can increase your metabolism by up to 30%. You can store your artichoke in the fridge for a while before drinking it and make it a part of your daily fluid intake. Very simple!

artichoke tea
  • 1 boiled artichoke
  • Half a cup of the boiled artichoke water
  • A little cayenne pepper
  • A little crushed ginger

The ingredients may seem a little strange, but it actually makes quite good sense. C ayenne pepper helps increase metabolism better than anything else. Along with ginger and artichoke, you get a drink that is extremely effective for weight loss.
Prepare this recipe at least 3 times a week for dinner.

All you have to do is cook your artichoke and save the water it was boiled in. Add pepper and ginger to half a cup of the water and mix it together. Are you ready? Well – the last step is easy: mix all the ingredients (artichoke, half a cup of water and pepper and ginger) in a blender until the liquid is smooth.

The taste is unique, yes, but if you drink it with dinner a few times a week, you will soon start to lose weight.

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