11 Surprising Ways You Can Use Beer In The Household

If you have half a beer left in the fridge, do not throw it away. Because there are many other things you can use beer for at home.
11 surprising ways you can use beer in the household

Do you also like to drink a beer with the food? In addition to being refreshing, there are also a few surprising ways to use beer in the household and for your body.

You do not have to use the most expensive beer. You can use any kind, even old, flat beer, for these recipes.

1. You can use beer to soften your hair

Thanks to the malt and lupulin in beer, it can protect and repair your hair and make it shiny and soft.


  • Add beer to a container and leave it for a few hours so that the carbon dioxide disappears.
  • After washing your hair with shampoo, apply the beer and let it sit for a few minutes.
  • Rinse with plenty of water and use conditioner to increase the softening effect and remove the beer smell.

2. Use beer as a stain remover

Woman with red wine stains on her tank top

Beer is also great for removing stains, even stubborn stains such as red wine stains.


  • Dip a sponge into the beer and dab the stained area. Let it dry and repeat as needed until the stain is gone.

3. Insect traps

Insects are attracted to beer because of its smell, so you can use beer to get rid of them.


  • Pour a little beer into a cup, cover with plastic wrap, and punch holes in it.
  • Let it be one day and when you check it next time, you will probably find trapped insects in it.

4. Marinade for meat

Red meat

Chefs sometimes use beer to marinate meat, as it has the ability to soften, preserve and flavor meat.


  • Take the meat you want to marinate and place it in a container with plenty of beer.
  • Cover with plastic wrap and let it marinate in the fridge for at least two hours.

5. Make pots and pans shine with beer

The acidity of beer makes it perfect for cleaning your steel or copper pots and pans and gives them shine.

6. Clean wood

Person cleaning a table with beer

Cleaning wooden surfaces with beer will give it a beautiful shine. It will help keep it from looking old and dull.

7. Remove rusty screws

In addition, the acids in beer are also good for dissolving rust on screws.


Pour beer on the screws and let it sit for a few minutes. Then wipe the beer. The rust will come off as easily as nothing.

8. Get rid of brown spots on your lawn

Terrace and greenery

Due to its fermented sugar, beer acts as a natural fertilizer for the plants and the lawn.


Water your lawn with a little beer. This will stimulate new growth, keep fungi away and give your grass a beautiful green color.

9. Keep snails away from your garden

Snails equate to headaches when you have a garden and want to keep it neat.

To keep them from eating your plants, follow these steps:

  • Pour a good amount of beer into a jar.
  • Make sure it is a tall enough jar so the beer will not evaporate right away and do not cover it.
  • Put the jar underground in an area often visited by snails.

The snail is attracted to the smell of beer and is then caught in the jar.

10. Use beer as fertilizer

Woman planting flowers

The nutrients in the beer have been used as fertilizer for many years. You can also use beer yourself to give your plants in the garden extra nutrients and make them grow better.


It is very easy to use: Sprinkle a little beer around your plants and repeat once a day.

11. Drink a beer with your friends

Beer is not least nice to drink with friends! It is easy and cheap, and then a cold beer is perfect for those warm summer nights.

Beer is – perhaps – also good for your bones. It contains silicon, a mineral that the bones need to grow and build. Only beer brewed on barley contains significant amounts of silicon, but that does not mean you have to drink lots of beer if you want to avoid osteoporosis.
It is not healthy to drink too much beer, and it is doubtful how much of a difference a single beer makes every now and then to the silicon level in the body.

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