10 Plants You Can Easily Grow In Your Own Garden

In this article we will tell you about 10 plants you can easily grow in your own garden, to create a cozy and nice environment at home.
10 plants you can easily grow in your own garden

You do not have to worry just because you do not have green fingers or are a beginner. You can still have your own mini garden. There are many plants you can easily grow in your own garden.

Not all panthers are easy to grow and thrive. Many plants also do not thrive in pots or in small and cramped areas.

Therefore, you need to know which plants are good to start with when you want to get started with gardening.

Plants you can easily grow – which ones?

Garden equipment

Plants can make your home more attractive, cozy and inviting. They also clean the air, making rooms more fragrant. Be ready to give your home a little more life with the suggestions below!

First, it is good to remember that you can also plant fruit trees and other edible plants. And yes, there are many plants you can easily grow. With the right selection of plants, you can make your home look three times better than before.

Second  , you need to decide where your plants should stand. How big the room is, how much light there is, moisture and soil quality (either potting soil or garden soil) are all important for the growth and well-being of the plant. Once you have placed a plant in a place where it has everything it needs, it is best not to move it.

Why? Because  plants get used to their surroundings. If you move it, it is possible that they will no longer get what they need, even if they look better and are more decorative in the new location.

In other words, it’s not all about aesthetics. You also need to think about the needs of the plant. Yours can be boiled down to the following:

  1. Plant size.
  2. Decorative plant: with or without flowers?
  3. Does the location have more light or shade?
  4. Should the plant be watered every day?

Although plants with flowers are really beautiful, they are not a good choice for beginners. In general, flowering plants tend to require more work and attention than other types of plants.

However, other, small, aromatic plants can be easily cared for. These include: Mint, peppermint, lavender, rosemary, camomile and parsley (and they are all edible!).

5 plants you can easily grow

Woman planting flowers

Roses, daisies, pelagonias and paradise flowers are all adopted from a tropical climate. Therefore, place these flowers in places where they get plenty of sun, keep the soil free of weeds and water them well.

Doing this gives you a good foundation to grow.

When it comes to bougainvillea flowers, there are many varieties of the plant. Some do not grow very much,  making them suitable for standing in medium-sized pots.

Remember  that beauty does not matter how many plants you plant here, but how well you take care of them.

5 aromatic plants you can easily grow

3 plants inside - plants you can easily grow
  1. Peppermint. This very versatile plant can grow under many different conditions. Its appearance and aroma cannot be matched and you can use it to add flavor to your  meals. You can either grow it in a pot or in the soil in your herb garden.
  2. Parsley. This is a really handy herb. Parsley has a pleasant aroma and works well as a spice in various dishes and as an ingredient in homemade medicinal products. It does not take up much space when you plant it in a pot or a mini greenhouse.
  3. Lavender.  You can grow lavender either in a pot or in the garden, but be aware that it fills more and more as it grows. It can do well in most climates and gives your garden a nice, soft scent.
  4. Camille. This herb possesses amazing medicinal properties which help with digestion, relaxation, inflammation and more. It is one of the plants you can easily grow in pots or in the garden, and seeds are easy to find.
  5. Mint. This plant is rich in menthol which is used to treat respiratory problems, digestive problems and flatulence. The wild nature of the mint plant makes it suitable for all types of soil and climate.

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